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2018 Taipei Cycle Show

發表主題I:無邊際綠色騎行  Infinity Bike

Infinity Bike實現生活中無限可能
Infinity Bike 不單是為喜愛戶外活動的人們量身打造的自行車,同時也是一台為實現生活中無限可能而生的移動裝置。
Infinity Bike在與Swi-IOT低功耗物聯網搭配下,可追蹤自行車位置與狀態、搜尋附近美食景點,以及與附近車友配對,都將會改變您對自行車的定義。

Infinity Bike creates our incredible life in the future
Infinity Bike is not only made for people who love outdoor activities, but also a device to create our incredible life in the future.
Have you ever imagined riding a bike made by lightweight carbon fiber. With its power generator can provide the power for itself and Swi-IOT kits on it, you can charge your mobile device at the same time.
The technology we use for the lighting system makes a great progress on the efficiency of converting kinetic energy into electrical energy. It works at any speed. Battery changing problem is solved as well. 
With the help of Swi-IOT made of hybrid LoRa/NBIOT (LPWAN), people can track the location and condition of Infinity Biking, search food and touring site, and match bikepals around you. Before long, Infinity Bike will change your definition of biking.


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發表主題II:智慧樂扣 Swi-Lock for Mobility Sharing 4.0

Swi-Lock 智慧樂扣是全方位服務共享單車4.0的租借裝置,其特色是體積小、成本低且不需要聯網就能解決票券問題。
Swi-Lock 具美國安全規格性能的智慧單車鎖,藏於車體內,配合威購多方融合的行動票卡,成為全世界第一款支援「國際共用條碼標準與開放錢包架構」的無樁式電子支付鎖,為共享單車的租用打造全新世代的基礎建設。將會帶給使用者全新的公共運輸行動服務(MaaS)體驗。

Last mile MaaS experience
Swi-Lock is a breaking-through comprehensive bike sharing 4.0 solution with low cost and need in space. It does not require internet connection when ticketing and unlocking.
Swi-Lock is a smart bike lock that meets highest American standards in safety.  The lock is hidden in the bike mainframe and can be easily located and unlocked with Waygo ticketing solution and user’s mobile phone Apps. Swi-Lock will be a common barcode standard & open payment system. Swi-Lock should bring bikers brand new Mobility as a service experience.


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