SwiCity E-bike
Press conference on SwiCity For Infinity Cycling
SwiCity for Infinity Cycling -
A New Worldview on Cycling
科技部在2018年台北國際自行車展的第二天,舉辦「社會需求核心技術跨領域計畫成果發表會」。在會中發表SwiCity AI + IoT技術,是面向未來自行車和電動自行車的下一代趨勢技術。SwiCity團隊林寬鋸教授在本次展覽中推出三項創新產品:影音圖書館(SwiTube)、智慧樂扣(Swi-Lock)與無邊際綠色騎行(Infinity Bike)。發表會上則展示兩項產品:Infinity Bike與Swi-Lock。
Infinity Bike實現生活中無限可能
可曾想過騎著一台輕量化碳纖維的自行車,車上配備的自動發電機套件不僅提供了自行車動力及物聯網晶片運作的電力,也可同時為您的行動裝置充電。在Swi-IOT低功耗物聯網搭配下,可追蹤自行車位置與狀態、搜尋附近美食景點,以及與附近車友配對。Infinity Bike將會改變您對自行車的定義。
SwiCity 應用層面已延伸至智慧交通、翻轉教育、智慧農業、醫療長照及公共服務,實踐以人為本的設計精神。SwiCity AIOT計畫的成功,在於能有效地整合台灣深厚基礎科技的能量,並將技術即時融入台灣製造業的精隨,一步一腳印地打造出自行車物聯網的新世紀。
SwiCity AI+IOT, an interdisciplinary research of technology roadmap on the basis of social demand project of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), is a next trend-technology for bike and E-bike mobility future. Dr Kuan-Jiuh Lin et al. launched three SwiCity products – SwiTube, Swi-IOT, Swi-Lock – for infinity biking mobility in 2018 Taipei Cycle Show.
Herein, SwiCity presented two demo show: Infinity Bike and Swi-Lock.
First. Infinity Bike creates our incredible life in the future
Have you ever imagined riding a bike made by lightweight carbon fiber. With its power generator can provide the power for itself and Swi-IOT kits on it, you can charge your mobile device at the same time. With the help of Swi-IOT composed of hybrid LoRa/NBIOT, people can track the location and condition of Infinity Biking, search food and touring site, and match bikepals around you. Before long, Infinity Bike will change your definition of biking.
Second. Swi-Lock creates the E-bike mobility sharing
Made of 100% stainless steel, Swi-Lock is a smart bike lock that meets highest American standards in safety. The lock is hidden in the bike mainframe and can be easily located and unlocked with Waygo ticketing solution and user’s mobile phone Apps. Swi-Lock will be a common barcode standard & open payment system. Swi-Lock should bring bikers brand new Mobility as a service experience.
As the human-oriented design spirit, the SwiCity has been extended to smart transportation, open course education, smart agriculture, and public services. The success of the SwiCity E-bike project is still to effectively integrate the fundamental basic technology into Taiwan's manufacturing maker in a timely manner for creating a new worldview on cycling in Taiwan.